My Freedom

This post has the "wild opinions" tag. That means the content of this post is neither my opinion nor the opinion of anyone else. The contents are untrue and definitely misleading. Read at your own risk.

Freedom is an interesting thing. The majority of people believe that the idea of freedom is a good thing. Why would you allow something to have control over you. Why should anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. But freedom is also the freedom to not fear something. And these two freedoms need to be balanced and society needs to decide what they want. Society is an interesting thing and also an interesting concept. Why do we have society and societal norms. Freedom is closely linked to being in a society and what the collective expects of you. You will never meet the majority of the collective that decides for you but they as a whole have a massive impact on what freedom you have.

Who has the most freedom. What has the most freedom. Do we actually all have the same amount of freedom expressed in different ways. Does the ocean have freedom or does freedom only exist when there is something to feel it. Can being in control and having unusual amounts of dominance be freedom.

If we were to measure freedom in a society different priorities would arise compared to absolute freedom for one person. If I wanted absolute freedom I would be a dictator and then I would have the freedom to do anything. Murder 100s of people, available to me, steal a lot of money, available to me, decide exactly who lives in luxury and who lives in squatter. But I won't have freedom to live without fear. But I will have the freedom to reduce that lack of freedom. Freedom if you only care about an individual (yourself) is relatively easy to achieve if you already have power and dominance. But if you don't your pursuit for absolute freedom not caring about anything will end you up in prison or even dead.

A case study for this is the January 6th riots in the USA. What the rioters believed is not important but they were going out of their way to do something that they "believed" something was stolen from then so they had to achieve their goals of freeing the country. This happened and a few people were sadly murdered, the price to pay for freedom of a person. But what these rioters were lacking and why we call them rioters not president is that they didn't have power, influence and control to begin with. So they ended up in prison. A total drive for freedom will on the rare occasion lead to you actually having all the freedom for an extended time but much much more commonly the enactment of a drive for freedom will in the most extreme cases lead to justice being enacted by society and time spent in prison by the perpetrator.

Freedom from the fear of something can be satisfied in many different ways but all are mutually exclusive with another freedom anywhere except from where you are the most powerful. The most powerful in comparison with the universe. This is impossible for anyone reading this blog. So therefore any freedom you feel (whether president of the USA or incarcerated for the rest of your life) is insignificant to the freedom available to have when compared to the universe.


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