My Walk

This post has the "wild opinions" tag. That means the content of this post is neither my opinion nor the opinion of anyone else. The contents are untrue and definitely misleading. Read at your own risk.

Today as I was walking to my place of work I saw many miracles happening in front of me. Miracles were as small as leaves falling from decaying trees. Trees which were green are now brown and orange with highlights of autumnal reds. The bark slowly peeling and becoming mulch. Water slowly flowing from the remaining tips of leaves down the trunk into the now fertile ground. Snails enjoying life with the nutrients available.

But it's turning to winter and the ground is about to freeze tonight. The weatherman has informed me about the frost tonight and it'll be the demise of the snails. Do snails freeze? Are snails able to feel the cold? How cold is too cold for a snail? Should we all adopt a snail for nights where there will be frost to keep them safe? Do snails actually feel anything? Does anything feel anything? Am I me? What is we? And...

After being sidetracked by one of my many thought experiments I found an abandoned house which at both times is perfectly normal and completely dilapidated. I think to myself it's QUANTUM. But why is quantum energy present here. Infact quantum is happening everywhere but we don't notice it. Infact if we don't notice something in our everyday life does it actually exist. The answer is a definitive yes. But ask that same question to flat earthers or anti vaxxers and the collective knowledge of scientists and astronomers and people who have spent many years researching that exact thing goes out of the window.

I continued this morning on my actually relatively short walk to work. And more miracles happened the continuing roar of cars disappeared. Silence. I knew something dreadful was wrong. Climate change had come real and there was a wall of water approaching me. My geography teacher had said that the Thames Barrier will last to at least 2070 but its 2021 and well I think he was wrong. The wall of murky brown freezing wall of water. I was guaranteed to die but today was a day of miracles so the wall of water parted like Moses. I discovered like Google analytics told me I can control and manage dimensions. After using my supernatural powers I continued on the last few metres of my journey to work. And surprisingly it was still dry and working after being hit by the wall of Thames water.


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