My Corona Test

This post has the "wild opinions" tag. That means the content of this post is neither my opinion nor the opinion of anyone else. The contents are untrue and definitely misleading. Read at your own risk.

Take a corona test twice a week they said. We'll force you to collect a new packet after 3 and a half weeks. As that's when you will need a new pack, they said. Well from the past year I have at least 10 packs of corona tests piled up at home. I have no choice, I am forced to pick up a pack of corona tests. Yes it's wasting countless billions of the governments money. Funded by our taxes and loans that the future generations will have to pay. Whilst Rishi Sunak is by far the most popular conservative right now he has most likely, without any significant change in policy or seismic rise in tax, forced us, eventually, into a deep deep recession. TFL is running out of money and only needs perhaps 5% of the money spent on test and trace in the last year. Yes Covid-19 is to blame but the effectiveness of the testing program is basically zero. Now whilst testing regularly is probably slightly influential in getting the virus under control. We have vaccines that are proven to work. And I'm still forced to collect unnecessary corona tests.

The corona tests given up to the last 2 worthless boxes were all the same, identical, with prominent NHS branding. But the last 2 weeks have produced two new significantly different box designs. I expect the design of the tests and the method of actually getting a result to be the same. But the NHS has apparently removed the requirement for their own branding and so "orient gene" is getting some publicity.

In the UK we have the NHS. The NHS is wonderful and largely obscures the public from massive pharmaceutical companies like in the USA. This distance between the general public and the supermassive pharmaceutical companies has, I've noticed, been diminished because of the pandemic. How much of this is the public being more informed on their health and how much is the government wanting to change the status quo is up for debate. Are the pharmaceutical companies the ones we now all know like Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca now using the praise their scientists got for substantial financial gain by circumventing or flat out destroying our NHS. Now I know 95% of readers wouldn't want this to happen and any government that does such a change will be very swiftly ousted. But time obscures change and eventually without constant intervention by the people the companies pushing for profits will win.

Carrying out a corona test is 30% setup, 20% carrying out the test, 10% waiting for the required 30 minutes, and the actually optional 50% of submitting all your data to the NHS. Setup is easy rip the things out of the packets and put the mysterious liquid in the tube. At this point you notice how much plastic is in the boxes. Carrying out the test is also relatively easy it's just sticking a swab way to far down your throat and way to far up your nose. Then after a couple more things you are waiting the 30 minutes. You can see pretty quickly it's working but apparently it takes that long for the dreaded red line to appear. The lines can be easily replicated by red pen but no one wants to intentionally put themselves in 7 days isolation.

Now reporting the test to the NHS requires all my personal data. And I mean all my data. Date of birth, name, email, telephone number, all my passwords (think I used the wrong website, but it'll never hurt me), a complete photo of my passport for identity theft, and my exact location (for contact tracing) for the next 100 years. Submitting the data to the "NHS" is optional but is the only way to go outside after the vaccines were proved to be completely ineffective against the new Omicron variant.


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