New Year's Resolutions

It's the 4th of January 2022 and if you set a new year's resolution (something I feel is getting less and less common) you have most likely broken it. And if you've broken your resolution, which happens to basically 99% of resolutions set, then they are waiting a whole year to try and keep another one next year. When you only give yourself a couple days a year to change for the better then, I believe, it is inevitable that most people fail their resolution and don't make a change in their life for the better.

Fireworks are the symbol of the new year

Some people suggest that you have themes for the year. Which means that when given a choice you should take the path closer to your theme. I do like the idea as your desired changes are more likely to happen because of the repeated reinforcement but it can also be easily forgotten as you continue with your life as normal. Themes are interesting but as they only take advantage of situations you naturally come across, I wouldn't recommend them for drastic changes you want to accomplish.

If you really want to get something done. First, I might need to disclose that this is based on experience and not on any actual science. You might now stop reading but the vast vast majority of other alternatives proposed are preached by people with zero qualifications like me. Second, if you really want to get something done then you should have a goal that you actually really want to do. This means you are doing a goal for yourself to better improve yourself and the change is mostly reliant on you changing your own ways. You shouldn't have a goal that is set by someone else or is needed for some external requirement set by someone else.

My proposal, for anyone that has a goal that satisfies my requirements, is every significant day (whether that be every Monday, every 14th, every bank holiday, the day after each of your best 10 friends birthday, or a day determined by a random number generator) you start or actively continue with your goal. Starting from this day you should take steps closer to your goal, continuing on after the inevitable tapering of effort after the last significant day. And, because your significant days should occur much more frequently than new year's you will move closer to your destination much faster. As you complete your goal, you might find that the goal you've set is now unsuitable for your needs and I see it as totally acceptable for you to change this goal. But you must make sure that you are not just moving the goalposts to make it easier for you but to further develop yourself into a better person.


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