Going To Winter Wonderland

It's christmas so we must talk about christmas and how wonderful it is after a disaster of at least 18 months, we can hope for a better 2022 with no corona restrictions but I think it is a false hope. With Omicron increasing and rumours of another lockdown we can hope this is the last time things will get bad, but I doubt it. So on this christmas day you should enjoy yourself and whilst being prepared for whatever comes don’t let it hinder your enjoyment of today and every other day.

If you want to go to a Christmas market and you're anywhere near London, you go to Winter Wonderland. And as I had a special request to go to a Christmas market, we went to Winter Wonderland. Winter Wonderland is in Hyde park, one of the few royal parks (so I assume some of the money I spent to go into the Queen's pockets) and is large, but only takes up a not too large proportion of Hyde park. Entering at about 12:20 it would be daylight the whole time I'm there but that didn't detract from the experience, what did was the prices but that's for later.

After entering we had a walk around the whole area to digest the ludicrously high prices of basically everything. I had been warned but nothing will prepare you for it. £7.00 for what is basically a hotdog is definitely not worth it. So it's a good thing I brought my own lunch. So after buying the obligatory churros. We decided to go on some rides. First a smallish coaster with a couple of small drops. It was very rough, however and I was shaken all around.

Next it was time for the big one. Something that looks horrendous. The two fast (apparently up to 62 mph) arms spin, and I counted, a total of 10 times. So after my £9.00 was taken and a short wait (well the wait was made longer by the nerves we were feeling) we were let on. At this point someone decided that this was too much for them, so they left, and the ride began. It started relatively slowly and quickly but smoothly increased in speed. Then it was revolution after revolution until we were at the top rotating round, appreciating the view, and realising that it was much less intense than we experienced.


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